path into a dense magical forest

A Heroine’s Journey


Art and stories are powerful forces of change. They have direct access to the subconscious where deep transformation and healing can occur. Much of our subconscious programming comes from the stories we have absorbed throughout our lives. They inform what we expect from the world, what we believe is possible, and how we see (or don’t see) ourselves reflected back. 

We all have inner characters, each one with its own goals and purpose, often in conflict with one another. Writing our own stories allows us to give each character expression while bringing a higher perspective to the situation. We can engage difficult parts with self-compassion and creativity, rewriting the stories that no longer serve us, and allowing our truest selves to emerge.

How it works

Each “chapter” of the course will be a stage of the heroine’s journey with a guided journey meditation to help you connect with your inner wise guides and other characters. Some characters will be inner children, some will be protective parts, others may even be shape-shifters or shadow parts. Connecting with your subconscious through the meditations allows the story to unfold naturally with very little conscious effort on your part, rewriting outdated patterns simply by letting the parts show you their world and listening to them with self-compassion and love. When you emerge back to your conscious reality, you express what you observed and felt inside the story through art and creative writing, creating your own story of transformation one chapter at a time. There will be worksheets and tips for anyone who needs a bit of help translating the experience onto paper.

Elements of the Course

feather pen

Creative Writing

Explore your inner landscape and reclaim your true self as you write your own story of transformation.

Read more about the heroine’s journey on the blog.


Art & Poetry

Artistic expression is a powerful force that can connect you to your highest self and transmute your entrenched patterns. You do not need to be a “good” artist or writer to benefit.

lotus flower

Guided Meditations

Guided journey meditations will help you connect to your own inner wisdom, and meet your inner characters, both friend and foe.

flower of life sacred geometry


Universal subconscious symbols will guide you on your journey.

Have a look at the growing library of archetypes on the blog.

tea light candle on dish


Connecting the ephemeral world of feelings and spirit to a grounded physical action will help you manifest your intentions.



Befriend your inner critics and abandoned parts of self, uncovering the hidden jewels within.